Developing Software is now as Easy as Drawing turna_yeni_2_menu
From analysis to architectural design, from code development to product deployment, it provides great opportunities in each stage of software development projects.


Turna is a state-of-the-art software development platform that offers visual aids that may be used in every phase of the software development project process and makes the code development phase easier as making a drawing.

Turna Yazılım Geliştirme OrtamıTurna is a state-of-the-art software development platform that offers visual aids that may be used in every phase of the software development project process and makes the code development phase easier as making a drawing. Turna incorporates many visual aids. For example, during the phase of application design, various UML (Unified Modelling Language) diagrams such as the class diagrams are designed from within Eclipse IDE by using the visual aids of Turna. Turna automatically creates the application-related Java entity classes, DDL (Data Definition Language) database structure files and the mapping files related to the used ORM (Object Relational Mapping) technology by using the UML diagrams created. Thus the process of software development is accelerated.

Turna can work together with the various visualization technologies. Many screens included in the application can automatically be created using the Turna screen wizards. By using Turna, the desktop applications tat use Java Swing technology and by using AJAX technologies, Internet applications having a rich user interface can be created.

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