Barcode Kiosk
Let Queues Vanish barkod-kiosk
Automize the patient admission and record procedures. Bring all hospital procedures and all necessary information to the fingertips of your clients.


It is necessary to make the procedures requiring time such as patient admission / record, examination record, which cause queues within the enterprise, rapidly running as far as possible in order to increase the efficiency and quality of the services provided by the hospitals. Thanks to the DataSel barkod kiosk systems, such procedures as patient record, admission, making appointment with the doctors, provision inquiry which require time and cause long queues at hospitals can be automized. The clients of the hospital can carry out all necessary procedures rapidly and safely by using the user-friendly interfaces of the kiosk systems and the touch screens by themselves.

DataSel Barkod Kiosk solution requires for the interactive information terminals to be integrated with the existing information and management systems of the health institution. Barkod kiosk is actually a computer embedded into a cabinet. The clients of the institution can carry out such procedures as patient record and admission and take their polyclinic examination sequence numbers by themselves by using the touch screen of this computer.

In order to take a sequence number from the policlinic desired by using this user-friendly device, it is sufficient for the patient to show the barcode part of the patient identification card consisting of lines to the barcode reader on the kiosk device. Alternatively, if the patient has no identification card, the patient has to write his/her patient number or Turkish Republic identity number. After this entry process, the kiosk system provides the patient with directions easy to understand and use for the other steps the patient is required to take. The procedures of the patient are ended when the thermal printer automatically gives the polyclinic sequence number paper within minutes.

DataSel Bilgi Sistemleri A.Ş.

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