E-Health References

DataSel Bilgi Sistemleri A.Ş.
Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health
Project Name : Health-Net Project
Technological Structure : Oracle VTYS
Project Description : As an extensible network platform Heath-Net aims at retrieving standardized information from health organizations and generating relevant data for all stakeholders, improving and integrating quality of health services at these institutions.

The idea behind Heath-Net is to safe-keep all health related information of the individual at one centralized database and recall these as necessary. Diagnosis, analysis and examination data is shared among the physicians and hospitals while patient privacy and confidentiality is kept unharmed. In this manner, less time is spent and better quality of services is provided at the hospitals. “Minimum Data Sets” (MDS) represents the minimum information content collected from the site by the Ministry of Health. By means of MDS, information previously stored in hardcopy environment is kept in electronic media and transferred between the source and Ministry of Health more efficiently and accurately via developing communication and information technologies

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